Positive Imprint, The Power of Gratitude

Positive Imprint, The Power of Gratitude - By: Corie Mustoe

Many years ago, I was a guest speaker at a luncheon event. It was a bit of a drive to get there, about an hour from my, then, home. My audience, a group of seniors, age 65+, my chosen topic, to speak on the power of gratitude and how to add joy to each day. As I was speaking, I noticed the audience begin to relax and settle in and it seemed my message resonated with most of them. I noticed one gentleman wiping tears from his eyes. I felt his good energy as he was embracing the moment.

As I was about to leave, this same man, who looked much younger than 68 years, approached me and began touching his neck showing me the tumors growing and shared that his days in this lifetime were very limited. His eyes once again filled with tears, he hugged me and said thank you for the calm I had brought to his life that day. I was moved by his words, my eyes filled with tears as well. Ironically, today, I live just 5 minutes from that little building where I met him and spoke on the power of gratitude. Each time I drive by there, I think of him, knowing I made a positive imprint in his life that day…but even better than that, he left a memorable and warm imprint in my life too. And, for that, I am grateful.

Corie Mustoe is a Certified Life and Health Coach for Women with CoachCorie.com. She coaches others to live in the moment and make necessary changes to live happier by reclaiming their life and their health. Throughout her 25+ year career in healthcare and wellness, she has spoken to thousands in the Kansas City Community.


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